1. The school reserves the right to revise the tuition fee and other fee at the end of the session which will be notified before the start of the new session.
2. The school is non- profit making and a united institution. Hence , it can propose interest free loan and extra refundable security which will be binding on all students concerned .
3. Fees once paid will not be refunded on any account.
4. Students or their guardians are expected to behave properly. If they behave in unruly way they can be debarred from entering the school campus which is private property.
5. Students who damage the school property will have to make up the loss : If a particular student is not found then all the students of the concerned class or group will have to pay for the loss.
6. Refusal to pay fees and other school dues will make students liable to be rusticated.
7. This prospectus supersedes all other prospectus printed /circulated earlier.